
No Friday post this week, sorry, as I was on the road, traveling abroad to visit my family over the holiday season.

I usually have a hard time doing my luggage for this occasion, as I never quite know in advance how it will go. Event wise. How many times will I visit the city? Will we go to the restaurant? Will I meet up with friends? During the day or in the evening? A lot of these are decided rather spontaneously so I have to pack "flexible". But the most important question is ... what will I be in the mood to wear?

This time I around however, I had it easy. I - decadently - ordered some items to be delivered to my parents home. To my defense I must say that most of the tops/shirts are basics. They are replacing the ones I had to let go after they had been with me for several years, but had become unwearable even at home (I have such a hard time with this).

Admittedly, there also was something extra. Yes. Of course.

I had a discount code and got myself this pullover/jumper:

I love owls. Now I just "need" one with an elephant.



Thank you for sharing your throughts!