Would you wear it?
This is maybe a bit controversial, but I have to ask. I saw this the other day when browsing for my "10 cute things" post and I decided to start a new semi regular feature called "Would you wear it?"
My opinion: No I would not wear it. As much as I like originality, as far as my style goes, this could at best work as bait for street style photographers ... but at that price? I wouldn't spend that much on something that would just be a one time gimmick.
Magari è una cosa un po' controverso, ma devo chiedere. Ho scoperto ciò l'altro giorno mentre stavo cercando i pezzi per il mio articolo su "10 cute things" e ho deciso di introdurre una nuova categoria, semi regolare che si chiama "Lo metteresti?".
La mia opinione: No, non lo metterei. Anche se amo tanto l'originalità, questo, considerando il mio stile, potrebbe funzionare soltanto come esca per i fotografi "street style" ... ma a quel prezzo? Non spenderei una cifra del genere su qualcosa che indosserei soltanto come aggeggio occasionale.
Das ist jetzt vielleicht etwas kontrovers, aber ich muss einfach fragen. Ich bin letztens, als ich im Web auf der Suche nach Artikeln fuer mein "10 cute things" post war, ueber das hier gestolpert und habe mich entschlossen ein neues, halbwegs regulaeres Feature zu starten. "Wuerdet Ihr dass anziehen?"
Meine Meinung: Nein, wuerde ich nicht (regelmaessig) anziehen. Ich bin ja echt fuer Originalitaet, aber das taugt fuer mich vielleicht als Street Style Fotografen Koeder ... aber zu dem Preis?Ich gebe diese Art Summe nicht fuer etwas aus was bestenfalls Gimmick Wert hat.
Piers Atkinson Cap
Piers Atkinson Cap II
Opinions? - Opinioni? - Meinungen?Linking up with: Life is a party, dress like it || Stylelixir || Transatlantic Blonde || Because Shanna said so || The Pleated Poppy || Kimba likes
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Would you wear it
Non mi piacciono per niente!
Non piacciono tanto neanche a me.
Deleteio li ho provati da Luisa Via Roma, divertenti, ma troppo strani!
ReplyDeleteNameless Fashion Blog
Infatti li vedo proprio indossato per fare una foto divertente e basta.
Deletesono molto belli e simpatici da vedere,non li indosserei però :D
ReplyDeleteLi vedo bene per qualche fashion week ahah
buon martedì
un abbraccio
DeleteOriginali, ma non per me!
ReplyDeleteCiao bellissima!!!
Cool post idea Alexandra. I have started buying things from the point of view of how frequently I can wear it as opposed to buying something that can be worn just once a while. New post on my blog -
ReplyDeletewww.JuneWantsItAll.com and we could also connect on Twitter, Facebook ,Bloglovin and Pinterest
Keep in touch
I think it is very good to consider these kind of questions when shopping, another thing I do is trying to confront a potential new piece with my existing wardrobe to see if it fits with the other items. Say it is a dress, I'll check if I have at least one pair of shoes and a bag that can go with it ;-)
DeleteCarinissimi da vedere sicuramente, da indossare... porto poco i cappelli :)
ReplyDeleteGood night!
Una volta io li portavo spesso, però non di quel genere!
Deletedavvero molto simpatici!
Thanks for linking up to WIWW please add the link to your post!
ReplyDelete☼Transatlantic Blonde☼
Würde ich auch nicht tragen, da es einfach nicht meinem Geschmack entspricht.
ReplyDeleteIch ziehe das an, wo ich mich wohlfühle und was ich mag.
Und das was ich auf dem Blog präsentiere, sind meine Outfits, die ich gerne trage, in der Stadt, abends, auf Arbeit oder in der Uni.
Liebste Grüße
Ja, das sehe ich genauso. Das was ich in "Outfit posts" anhabe, oder auch also "Fashion Find" praesentiere, sind alles Sachen, die ich entweder besitze oder gerne besitzen wuerde, weil sie mir gefallen.
Deletehaha Those are bit ridiculous looking. I would definitely not wear it!
ReplyDeleteYou and me too ;-)
DeleteOh gosh NO. I'm currently going through my wardrobe having far too many what the hell was I thinking moments and will be doing a 'should it stay or should it go now?' post soon.
ReplyDeleteGood! On the post. Not good on having too many of those things. Been there, but then again, tastes change no? It might have been perfectly reasonable some years ago.
DeleteNo, can't say I would ever wear those! But I think you could recreate cheaply if you wanted to :)
ReplyDeleteAh yes, I wager if you go to the right shop for supplies it could be a 5 Dollar affair tops.
DeleteRipasso per augurati buon mercoledì
ReplyDeletenuovo OUTFIT da me,ti aspetto
▽ http://tr3ndygirl.com ▽
un bacione
Nope definitely not! This is my first time here, I am enjoying your blog. I'll be following.
ReplyDeleteAaaaw thanks! Always happy when someone likes what I am doing :)
Deleteahahahahahahaha non ce la faccio rotolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! OMMIODDIO!
ReplyDeleteDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Spero che ti sei ripresa!
DeleteBellissima l idea di questo post...
ReplyDeleteIo credo non metterei quei cappelli per nessuna cifra al mondooooo!
Bacio, grazie per essere passata da me :-)
Not a chance! haha! I could make those fashions...which is not a good thing
ReplyDeleteHaha, take it as alternative career option! Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteNo way! I would never wear any of the above! To me they're just not stylish. They look a tad silly in my opinion, but each to their own?! Interesting!
ReplyDeleteIt's not my cup of tea either, but I am also happy to see diversity :)
DeleteI could see these in the kid's dress up tub but not on my head :)
ReplyDeleteHalloween maybe?
DeleteI'm going to go with a no - although the unicorn would look adorbs on my desk! Thanks for joining Wardrobe Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteHaha! They're funny, which I like. I'm not crazy about baseball caps, but I would consider wearing one with something crazy on it. Forse se l'unicorno e stato un po piu piccolo...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your throughts!