In the Snow - Buffalo Plaid, Batwings and Fake Fur Boots

The day during which we shot these pictures was absolutely gorgeous as far as weather conditions go. Sunshine, clear sky and the air fresh in a way it can only be when the temperatures drop below a certain point and humidity vanishes. And the snow! There's just something special about a quiet, snow covered landscape bathed in sunlight.

This is a thrifty outfit head to toe. I was wearing an oversized knit top with batwings and faux leather panels that I had found just a few days earlier on the sales rack at the local H&M. Equally from the winter sales are the buffalo plaid scarf and the bag.

Buffalo plaid scarf, fake fur boots, skinnie jeans, batwing sleeves, fashion and style blog

The puffed jacket and the skinnies (last seen here with the oversized knit coat) are from last years winter sales. The boots I found during my flea market spree in summer. Talk about smart shopping ahead of time. And they served me so well in those days.

We spent a lot of time outside with my son, for walks in the snow, but we also digged out my old wooden sleigh. Since it was the first time he saw such a vehicle, poor ol' mom had to do downhills with said sleigh with him (and fall on her butt more than once) and well, almost needless to say, he loved every minute of it.

Il giorno in cui abbiamo scattato queste foto era semplicemente fantastico per quanto riguarda le condizioni atmosferiche. Sole, cielo limpido e aria fresca, in quel modo che avviene solo quando la temperatura scende sotto un certo valore e l'umidità sparisce. E la neve! C'è sempre un qualcosa di speciale in un paesaggio innevato colpito dal sole.

Questo è un outfit al risparmio da testa a piedi. Indossavo un maglione ampio con maniche a pipistrello e toppe in finta pelle che ho acquistato un paio di giorni prima nei saldi di H&M. Sempre in saldo ho trovato la sciarpa buffalo plaid e la borsa.

La giacca imbottita e i skinnies (già visti qui insieme al cappotto di lana over) vengono dai saldi dello scorso anno. Gli stivali li ho trovati la scorsa estate ad un mercatino delle pulci. Alla faccia dello shopping intelligente fatto in anticipo! Mi sono stati molto utili in questi giorni.

Siamo stati parecchio tempo all'aperto con mio figlio per delle passeggiate nella neve, ma abbiamo anche rispolverato la vecchia slitta in legno. Poiché era la prima volta che vedeva un tale veicolo, la povera vecchia mamma è dovuta scendere dalle collinette con lui (sbattendo il sedere a terra più di una volta) e lui, non serve neanche dirlo, si è divertito in ogni singolo minuto.

Der Tag an dem wir diese Bilder aufgenommen haben war einfach toll was die Wetterbedingungen anging. Sonnenschein, klarer Himmel und die Luft hatte diese Reinheit und Frische, die sie nur hat wenn die Temperaturen unter Null sinken und die Luftfeuchtigkeit verschwindet. Und der Schnee! Es ist einfach etwas ganz besonderes an einer stillen, schneebedeckten und im Sonnenlicht gebadeten Landschaft.

Das hier ist ein Bargain / Thrift / Spartanten Outfit von Kopf bis Fuss. Ich trage ein Oberteil aus leichtem Strick mit Fledermausaermeln und Fake Lederbesatz, dass ich nur ein paar Tage vorher bei einem H&M meines Vertrauens gefunden habe. Gleicherweise aus dem Winterschlussverkauf sind die Tasche und der Schal.

Die Skinnies (zulezt hier gesehen zusammen mit dem Oversized Strickmantel) sind aus dem Winterschlussverkauf vom letzen Jahr. Die Stiefel habe ich im Sommer auf dem Flohmarkt erstanden, und die waren waehrend der Schneetage in Deutschland sehr nuetzlich. Das nenne ich intelligentes Vorrausshoppen.

Wir waren sehr viel draussen mit meinem Sohn, zum Spazierengehen (und Spielen) im Schnee, aber wir haben auch meinen alten Holzschlitten herausgeholt. Da es das erste Mal war, das er ein solches Gefaehrt sah, musste die arme alte Mutter mit ihm den Berg runtersaussen (bin auch konsquenterweise mehrmals auf dem Hintern gelandet). Klar, ihm hat jede Minute davon gefallen.

Buffalo plaid scarf, fake fur boots, skinnie jeans, batwing sleeves, fashion and style blog, red hair

Buffalo plaid scarf, fake fur boots, skinnie jeans, batwing sleeves, fashion and style blog

Buffalo plaid scarf, fake fur boots, skinnie jeans, batwing sleeves, fashion and style blog

Outfit Sources:

Puffed Jacket / Pumino / Daunenjacke - Mango
Knit top / Top in maglia / Strickoberteil - H&M
Skinnies - Mango
Buffalo Plaid scarf / sciarpa / Schal - Urban Outfitters
Bag / Borsa / Tasche - Urban Outfitters
Boots / Stivali / Stiefel - Flohmarkt

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  1. I colori della sciarpa sono stupendi, look perfetto per il freddo e ancor più per per un giro sullo slittino :-) Un bacio

    Fashion and Cookies
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  2. Love your boots and scarf :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  3. Mi piacciono i tuoi stivali e la fantasia della sciarpa!
    Have a great start of the week!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  4. alessia milanese26 January 2015 at 15:10

    La sciarpa è stupenda!


    new post

  5. Loving the blue buffalo plaid...such a great piece!

    Clothes & Quotes

  6. Love that scarf! It flatters your hair/complexion so well! =)

  7. Patti_NotDeadYetStyle26 January 2015 at 16:02

    Love this winter look - and I am a bit jealous of the lovely snow! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  8. Hannah @ Clean Eating Veggie G26 January 2015 at 16:15

    I LOVE buffalo plaid and I love, love, love it in that blue color!

  9. Sono certa che sarà stata una giornata felice con il tuo bambino e la neve! Tu sei perfetta nel look bellissimi gli stivali! Baci Elisabetta

  10. La cosa che mi piace di più è la sciarpa, davvero bella!

    "Lazzari: handmade in Italy" on
    lb-lc fashion blog

  11. I love the outfit!! The boots and scarf is adorable!!

  12. I absolutely love your scarf! It makes your outfit pop!

  13. anche tu un outfit nella neve. Quanto la adoro. Bellissima la sciarpa

  14. Your scarf and boots are wonderful. This is such a modern, beautiful outfit to wear in the snow, Alex. =)

  15. Ma sono bellissimi questi stivali, voglioo!!!


  16. veramente bello questo look
    un bacione grande

  17. The Real Arnolds27 January 2015 at 21:31

    Love the blue and black buffalo plaid. Score on the boots! They look perfect for the snow.

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  18. Very pretty scarf, I love the lighting in your photos!

  19. OMG I feel so cozy just by looking at this adorable ensem!!!


  20. What an adorable scarf! I just came from the What I Wore Link Up. You should come link up over at my style & beauty link up! The Style Files Link-Up

  21. Katie Lenz-Neblett29 January 2015 at 10:27

    Love that scarf!! The bright blue is one of my favorite it!!


  22. Love the picture of the sled Alex, bringing back kid memories of sledriding. You have a fair share of blue in your closet ( love the scarf on u) and as I fellow red head, I feel I should add some more. Love the cozy sweater too!

    from the link up,

    please stop by jess xx

  23. Love the outfit. Thanks for sharing your style with our Small Victories Sunday Linkup and hope you join us again this weekend! New linkup starts at 8pm EST tonight. Pinning to our linkup board.

  24. The buffalo plaid is blue is a nice touch. I usually see it in red, a color I don't tend to wear often.

  25. What a great winter outfit! The scarf is a beautiful color :)

  26. You look beautiful! Thanks for coming to the style & beauty link up! The Style Files Link-Up

  27. I love your top with the elbow details! It's so much fun! Thanks for sharing this with Celebrate Southern last week! xoxo

  28. That sweater is freaking awesome honey! You have me searching the internet for one Thank you for joining the Thrift Sisters link up.

    Thrifting Diva


Thank you for sharing your throughts!