Ain't She Dapper? - The Button Down Shirt and the Kerchief

I've realized the other day that I have an enormous (for my wardrobe size) amount of button down shirts. True is, I love using them, especially in winter together with either sweaters (as talked about here) or with cardigans, like in todays look. For this fashion love, in part, I blame the fact that I am drawn to dressing like a man. There, I said it.

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

And while today's outfit isn't overly mannish; the cardigan and the shirt still have so called feminine cuts and of course, there's the heeled shoes ... although, tell them blokes from the area of Louis XIV that men can't wear heels for fashion purposes.

I liked the quote they added to the article. 

"You had women cutting their hair, adding epaulettes to their outfits. They would smoke pipes, they would wear hats that were very masculine. And this is why women adopted the heel — it was in an effort to masculinise their outfits." - From *Heights of Fashion: A History of the Elevated Shoe*

Basically, women were putting on heels so they would look more like men. Obviously, we aren't talking about 12inch Stiletto heels here.

So anyway, while this outfit isn't overly mannish, it's not what I'd call the epitome of what today is considered feminine dressing either. Of course we could argue that since I am decidedly a woman, that by default the way I am dressing is feminine.

I think the leopard silk kerchief / scarf faking to be a reverse tie is a cute little touch, do you agree?

Ho realizzato l'altro giorno che ho (a confronto con la larghezza del mio armadio) un gran numero di camicie. La verità è che adoro indossarle, soprattutto in inverno sotto un maglione (come già visto qui) o un cardigan come nel look di oggi. Per questa mia particolare predilezione, do parzialmente la colpa al fatto che adoro vestirmi da maschietto. Ecco, l'ho detto.

Anche se il look di oggi non è particolarmente maschile, sia il cardigan che la camicia hanno un taglio femminile, e poi ci sono le scarpe con i tacchi ... anche se, ditelo ai maschi dell'era di Luigi XIV che gli uomini non possono portare le scarpe coi tacchi (ENG) per essere alla moda.

Mi piace la citazione che hanno aggiunto all'articolo (dal libro *"The Heights of Fashion, History of the Elevated Shoe"*, praticamente dice che le donne hanno cominciato a mettere i tacchi per sembrare più maschili. Ovvio che allora non erano i tacchi a spillo da 12 cm.

Quindi anche se l'outfit di oggi non è particolarmente maschile, non è nemmeno quello che si considera prettamente femminile ... anche se potrei argomentare, che poiché io sono una donna, tutto ciò che metto automaticamente è femminile. 

Credo che aver aggiunto il foulard che pretende di essere una cravatta sia stato un tocco molto carino, che ne dite?

Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen festgestellt, dass ich eine (im Vergleich zur Groesse meines Schrankes) grosse Anzahl an Hemden / Blusen besitze. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich sie sehr gerne anziehe, besonders im Winter unter einem Pullover (wie hier bereits besprochen) oder einem Cardigan, einer Strickjacke wie z.B. im heutigen Look. Fuer diese Modevorliebe gebe ich, zum Teil, die Schuld dem Fakt dass ich mich eben sehr gerne maskulin anziehe.

Und auch wenn das Outfit heute nicht besonders maskulin ist; die Strickjacke und die Bluse haben einen sogenannten weiblichen Schnitt, und dann sind da noch die hochhackigen Schuhe ... obwohl, erzaehlt das mal den Maennern aus der Zeit von Ludwig dem XIV, dass Maenner keine Absaetze tragen, um modisch zu sein. (ENG)

Ich mag besonders den zitierten Teil in dem Artikel, der sagt, im Grunde haben die Frauen Absatzschuhe angezogen um maennlicher zu wirken. Klar waren das damals keine Stilettos.

Also, wenn auch das heutige Outfit nicht sehr maennlich ist, so ist es eben auch nicht das, was heutzutage unter eher weiblichem Kleidungstil verstanden wird. Obwohl ... man koennte argumentieren, das dadurch, das ich ja zweifelsfrei eine Frau bin, alles was ich anziehe eben weiblich ist. Wortklauberei.

Das Halstuch, das vorgibt eine rueckwaertsgebundene Krawatte zu sein, finde ich ist ein nettes Detail, was sagt Ihr?

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

A (striped) button down shirt with a kerchief / small silk foulard pretending to be a reverse tie. A grey cardigan, dark wash denim, ankle booties, an emerald bag | Ain't She Dapper - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

P.S. The shirt has actually thin light blue and grey stripes, I'll see if I can post a detail picture to Instagram and/or Facebook and/or Twitter later

Outfit Sources:

Jeans - Fornarina Cult (thrifted)
Cardigan - Mango (old)
Shirt / Camicia / Bluse - H&M
Kerchief - ?
Bag / Borsa / Tasche - Urban Outfitters
Shoes / Scarpe / Schuhe - *Deichmann*

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