Mo' Stripes - Pattern Mixing Spring Trends

The story arc about stripes continues. Pattern and print mixing is still one of my favorites when getting dressed. Or should I rather say "creating looks" because it sounds more sophisticated? Here we have vertical & horizontal stripes together with floral pants. Remember this article I wrote awhile back with some basic tips for mixing prints and patterns? As you can see here, I applied some of them.

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

I like the idea of combining vertical with horizontal stripes, but I might choose a less bold color for the top below next time. By the way, these earrings you know already from this post? I've been wearing them quite a lot lately, because they practically go with everything, every look. And they were a great buy at 70% off. I've looked if I could find them online, but the closest I got where *these*. Oh and hey, they have a *Sequin Pineapple Crossbody Bag* if you fancy weird, haha.

Continua la storia sulle righe. Mescolare trame e stampe diverse è sempre una delle mie cose preferite da fare quando mi vesto. O forse dovrei dire "creare look" perché sembra più sofisticato? Qui abbiamo righe verticali ed orizzontali insieme a pantaloni a fiori. 

Mi piace l'idea delle righe verticali combinate a quelle orizzontali, ma forse la prossima volta userò righe in un colore meno forte per la maglia sotto alla camicia. Tra l'altro, ricordate questi orecchini che avete già visto qui? Li sto usando tantissimo ultimamente, perché vanno praticamente con tutto, con ogni look. Erano un buon acquisto col 70% di sconto. Ho guardato, ma non li ho trovati online, *questi* sono il modello più simile che ho trovato. Oh e ehi, hanno una *Borsa Pailiettes a forma di Ananas* se vi piacciono le cose un po' strane.

Ich fuehre die Geschichte mit den Streifen fort. Und Mustermixen ist immer noch ein Favorit when ich mich anziehe. Oder sollte ich sagen "Looks kreiere", weil sich das abgehobener anhoert? Hier haben wir horizontale und vertikale Streifen zusammen mit Blumenhosen.

Mir gefaellt die Idee mit den zwei verschiedenen Streifenrichtugen, allerdings wuerde ich das naechste Mal wohl eine etwas weniger kraeftige Farbe fuer untendrunter waehlen. Uebrigens, diese Ohrringe, die Ihr ja bereits von diesem Post hier kennt? Die trage ich in letzte Zeit sehr oft, die sind super vielseitig, passen zu allem, zu allen Looks. Ich hab' mal geschaut ob ich die auch Online finde, aber das naechstbeste waren *diese hier*. Oh und hey, die hatten eine *pailiettenbesetzte Ananas Handtasche* falls Ihr auf ausgefallenen und seltsamen Kram steht.

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Striped button down shirt meets horizontal striped top meets floral pants | Pattern Mixing Spring Trends - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Outfit Sources

Pants / Pantaloni / Hosen - Zara (last year old)
Button Down Shirt / Camicia / Hemd - thrifted
Striped Top / Maglietta a righe / gestreiftes Top - Tally Weijl
Shoes / Scarpe / Schuhe - Bata (3+ years old)
Earrings / Orecchini / Ohrringe - *Accessorize*  (*similar*)
Watch / Orologio / Uhr - Swatch (ancient, like 20+ years)

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