14 Easy & Stylish Spring & Summer Dresses

I don't know about you, but for me wearing dresses comes more natural when it is warm and I don't need to wear tights or long sleeve shirts below and at the most a light weight jacket above. In a nutshell: I like when I am dressed with just the dress. So naturally with this comes that in summer I buy more dresses than in winter.

14 easy and stylish budget friendly summer dresses || Funky Jungle, #fashion & personal #style blog

In my wardrobe you'll find dresses I splurged on and dresses I thrifted. For me a good dress has to have stripes have a fairly simple and classic overall cut so it will resist as much as possible the change of fashion fancies. At the same time, I want it to have something, however small, that makes it particular in the sea of dresses. Of course, never say no (absolutisms are out), sometimes it is the "not classic cut" that makes it special and at the same time set to endure.

Non so voi, ma per me indossare vestiti viene naturale quando fa caldo e non devo mettere collant o maglie a maniche lunghe sotto e magari una giacca leggera sopra. In poche parole: mi piace quando sono vestita solo col vestito. Come conseguenza, in estate acquisto piĆ¹ vestiti che non in inverno.

Nel mio guardaroba potete trovare vestiti per i quali ho fatto la spesa pazza e altri dove sono rimasta parsimoniosa. Per me un buon vestito deve avere le striscie avere un taglio semplice e classico in modo da resistere al cambiamento dettato dalle mode del momento. Allo stesso tempo, voglio che abbia qualche caratteristica, per quanto piccola, che lo faccia emergere dal mare dei vestiti comuni.

Ich weiss nicht wie es Euch geht, aber mich zieht es eher zu Kleidern, wenn es warm ist und ich nicht unbedingt Strumpfhosen/Leggins plus Langarmshirt darunter and hoechstens eine leichte Jacke oder Cardigan darueberziehen muss. Um es kurz zu sagen, ich mag es wenn ich nur mit Kleid schon bekleidet bin. Daraus resultiert dann natuerlicherweise, dass ich im Durchschnitt im Sommer mehr Kleider kaufe.

In meinem Kleiderschrank findet Ihr KLeider, die sogenannte Investitionen waren (d.h. etwas mehr gekostet haben) und Kleider die ich auf dem Flohmarkt gefunden habe. Und alles dazwischen. Ein tolles Kleid muss fuer mich Streifen haben einen relativ einfachen, eher klassischen Schnitt haben, damit es die Meinungsaenderungen im Modebereich ueberdauert (oder in 3 Jahren wiederkommt). Zur selben Zeit muss es aber auch etwas Besonderes haben, das es aus der Masse hervorhebt. Und weil man ja niemals nie sagen sollte (Absolutismen sind out) , manchmal ist es dann doch der "nicht einfache Schnitt" der das Besondere macht.

Here are my favorite budget friendly picks of short summer dresses from Romwe:

Striped budget friendly dresses
1. Striped Dress w flared skirt & contrast hem || 2. Multicolor striped slim shift dress || 3. Vertically Striped Straight Scoop Neck Dress || 4. Vertically Striped Tank Dress  || 5. Contrast Hem Shirt Dress || 

1. Asymmetric Pleated Dress || 2. Neon Color Block Shift Dress ||
 3. Mint Leaf Print A-line Dress || 4. Eye Print T-Shirt Dress

1. Vertical Striped Organza Shirt Dress || 2. Navy Ruffle Sleeves Dress || 3. Exotic Floral Print Dress || 4. Swan Print Polo Shirt Dress || 5. Boho Style Tribal Embroidery Dress || 

You can find many more dress options here.

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*This post was sponsored by Romwe, but I picked the dresses.*
