Parco Sigurtà
The second day trip we did during my parents visit to our corner of Italy was to a park again. What can I say, I have a six year old active boy who doesn't fancy slowly walking through museums inspecting everything without actually touching it.
Parco Giardino Sigurtà is located south of Lake Garda. It is quite large and it's a bit of walking doing it all by foot. Infact my poor mum was exhausted afterwards. I'd been there before, but I didn't remember it to be that big, because back then we crossed the park with the little train that brought us to the tent where our friends' wedding party was held. Yes, you can do a tour of the park by train. You can also rent bicycles or electric mini cars by the hour. And you can hold your wedding with style and a vibe of nobility there.
The park is popular with families (but not only) for obvious reasons. Besides fancy flower arrangements, ponds etc, it has large curated grass areas where you can sit down, establish base camp and your kids can run off to play. It also has a didactic farm, where you can learn about the common farm animals. Personally I cannot go anywhere near there (allergies), but I figure it's great for kids. What striked me was the fact that despite the park being quite full because it was an official holiday here, it was also clean. If you ever go on holidays at Lake Garda, consider a visit to this park for a change of pace.
The park is popular with families (but not only) for obvious reasons. Besides fancy flower arrangements, ponds etc, it has large curated grass areas where you can sit down, establish base camp and your kids can run off to play. It also has a didactic farm, where you can learn about the common farm animals. Personally I cannot go anywhere near there (allergies), but I figure it's great for kids. What striked me was the fact that despite the park being quite full because it was an official holiday here, it was also clean. If you ever go on holidays at Lake Garda, consider a visit to this park for a change of pace.
I was dressed for casual action, wearing my beloved khaki chinos, a very loose top and the gladiator/slave sandals. And if you are out all day and have to carry a bag, which includes at least a small bottle of water, a backpack is always a good idea. The hair was ... well ...
Der zweite Tagesausflug waehrend des Besuches meiner Eltern in unserer Ecke Italiens fuehrte uns wieder in einen Park. Was soll ich sagen, ich habe einen sechsjaehrigen Sohn, der es gar nicht so unterhaltsam findet langsam durch ein Museum zu laufen und auch wirklich nur mit den Augen und nicht mit den Fingern zu schauen.
Der Parco Giardino Sigurtà liegt suedlich und nicht unweit vom Gardasee. Es ist ein recht grosser Park, und alles zu Fuss abzulaufen ist schon ein netter Spaziergang. Meine arme Mama war am Ende ganz geschafft. Ich bin zwar schon einmal in dem Park gewesen, konnte mich aber nicht erinnern, dass es so viel war, wahrscheinlich auch, weil wir damals die Tour mit dem Parkzug gemacht haben bis hin zu dem Zelt wo unsere Freunde Ihre Hochzeit feierten. Ja, in dem Park kann man eine Tour mit Zug machen. Oder aber Fahrraeder und diese kleinen elektrischen Autos die man von Golfplaetzen her kennt stundenweise mieten. Oder eben seine Hochzeit mit Stil und einem Hauch von Adliger Atmosphere abhalten.
Der Park ist aus offensichtlichen Gruenden sehr beliebt bei Familien (aber nicht nur!). Hoert hoert. Neben huebschen Blumenbeeten, Seerosenteichen und so weiter gibt es riesigen Grassflaechen (englischer Rasen) wo man sich hinsetzen und dann einfach mal die Kinners rennen lassen kann. Ausserdem gibt es im Inneren des Parkes noch so einen didaktischen Bauernhof. Ich selbst gehen ja nicht in die Naehe (Allergien) aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das fuer Kinder toll/interessant ist. Was mich am meissten erstaunt hat, war das der Park, trotz der grossen Menschenmenge - wir waren an einem nationalen Feiertag dort - sauber war. Falls Ihr mal Urlaub am Gardasee macht und etwas anderes sehen wollt, den Park kann ich empfehlen.
Ich selbst war sehr "casual" und aktionsbereit angezogen. Chinos in khaki, ein uebergrossen Top mit Belueftung, meine Gladiator-/Sklavensandalen. Ja und wenn man den ganzen Tag unterwegs ist, aber eine Tasche braucht, wo dann noch mind. eine kleine Flasche Wasser drin ist, dann ist so ein Rucksack eine feine Sache. Die Haare ... naja ...
Il secondo viaggio fatto durante la visita dei miei genitori nel nostro angolo d'Italia era ancora in un parco. Che posso dire, ho un bambino di sei anni molto vivace, a cui non piace molto camminare lentamente in un museo guardando ogni oggetto senza provare a toccarlo.
Il Parco Sigurtà e situato a sud del Lago di Garda. È piuttosto grande e percorrerlo tutto a piedi è una bella camminata, infatti la mia povera mamma era piuttosto stanca quando siamo usciti. Io c'ero stata in precedenza, ma non ricordavo fosse così grande, dopotutto avevamo preso un trenino che dopo un breve giro panoramico ci aveva accompagnato ad una struttura dove si è tenuto il matrimonio di un amico. Già, si può fare il giro turistico con un trenino, si possono noleggiare biciclette e auto elettriche. Si possono anche organizzare matrimoni di classe e l'aria di nobilità.
Il parco è meta molto gradita per le famiglie (ma non solo!) per ragioni piuttosto ovvie: a parte le aiuole fiorite molto belle, i laghetti, ecc. ha grandi aree erbose molto ben curate dove è possibile sedersi per riposare o semplicemente come campo base mentre i figli corrono e giocano. Ha inoltre una fattoria didattica dove si possono vedere molti dei comuni animali da allevamento. Personalmente non posso neanche avvicinarmi, causa allergie, ma è bellissima per i bambini. Ciò che mi ha colpito è stato che nonostante il parco fosse piuttosto affollato per il giorno festivo, era allo stesso tempo veramente pulito. Se pensate di andare in vacanza sul Lago di Garda, considerate di visitare questo parco.
Ero vestita casual, indossando i miei chinos kaki, un top molto comodo e i sandali da gladiatore/schiava. Se dovete uscire e star fuori tutto il giorno portando una borsa, con almeno una bottiglietta di acqua dentro, uno zainetto è una buona idea. I capelli ... eh ...
Of course I took off my shoes at some point. That grass!!! Heaven below your feet. |
This post is part of the Blogger Parade "Italy" organized by Tina in the Middle.
The other participants are: 27.7.2015 Elena & Maria || 28.7.2015 Lisa - Lebens Lounge || 29.7.2015 Michelle - Beautiful Fairy & Tina - Tina in the Middle || 31.7.2015 Hanna - Written in Red Letters ||
Dieser Post ist Teil der Bloggerparade "Italien", die von Tina in the Middle organisiert wurde
Die anderen Teilnehmer sind: 27.7.2015 Elena & Maria || 28.7.2015 Lisa - Lebens Lounge || 29.7.2015 Michelle - Beautiful Fairy & Tina - Tina in the Middle || 31.7.2015 Hanna - Written in Red Letters ||
Wuerde mich freuen wenn Ihr den Maedels einen Besuch abstattet!
Outfit Sources:
Khaki Chinos - H&M
Top - Mango Outlet (old)
Sandals / Sandali / Sandalen - Maledetti Toscani (old) --- *cute budget option*
Backpack / Zainetto / Rucksack - Gift --- *similar*
Necklace / Collana / Halskette - Fair
Bracelet / Braccialetto / Armband - D.I.Y --- bracelet tutorial here
Sunglasses / Occhiali da Sole / Sonnenbrille - H&M
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