Medieval Fashion - Gräfenstein, Merzalben

This is something that I absolutely adore and I frankly don't get to do enough when I'm back in Italy. What I'm talking about? Going dressed up to Medieval events, markets, fairs. I love the atmosphere that you find and experience there. The folks that are participating are usually very open and friendly people. And if you are dressed up, you are just more naturally a part of it. To that end, I also prefer the smaller ones, where it is more easy to have contact and conversation.

This year I also kinda got stopped in my tracks hard there, at the first one I visited, by chance, but the jury is still out as to what exactly the results will be. I just know that there will be changes. It is inevitable. But what is life, if not a series of changes. And continously growing and expanding.

The dress I'm wearing was bought many many years ago (about 15 or so) and by now it is actually 2 sizes too big for my frame. I've also should have used the belt above. Eh, I had a good time anyway. And my son absolutely loved it.

The Castle you are seeing in this picture is Burg Graefenstein at Merzalben in the far south of Rhineland-Palatinate.

P.S. I didn't want to come across as overly gloomy, it was just the weirdest thing and made me question a lot of things because it reminded me of something I had forgotten.

Outfit Sources:

Dress - Custom Made

Linking up with: Honest Mum || The Pin Junkie || Create With Joy || Jo-Lynne Shane || The Chicken Chick
