Links a la Mode 8th June

After almost four years Funky Jungle changed its dress. Just in time for being featured at Links a la Mode, the weekly round up of Independent Fashion Bloggers. They picked up my post "A Capsule Free Spring - Why I Won't Repeat the Wardrobe Experiment" and if you haven't read it yet, head over to find out why I decided to give up on Capsule Wardrobing for the time being. After that, come back here and check out the posts by my fellow fashion bloggers.

And please let me know what you think about the new look of the site or if you are experiencing any issues.

Wishing you enjoyable reads & a wonderful weekend.

Links à la Mode, June 8th

SPONSOR: Shopbop SunnyLife, Anya Hindmarch Bags, AG Jeans, Nupie, Sophie Anderson, Zigilane, Embroidered Dresses, Espadrilles, Gold Jewelry, Men's Paige

GUNAS New York



  1. Great blogpost dear <3 Thanks for sharing!

    Caro :*


Thank you for sharing your throughts!