5 Ways to do My Winter Uniform - And an Oversized Knit Coat

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer" 
- Albert Camus - 

I just love me some oversized chunky knit, but then, who doesn't? This coat was originally bought near the end of my pregnancy, but it was way too long without the baby bump so I had it shortened (thank you aunt of my husband!)

As you can see blue and grey are still my go to colors this season. And skinnies plus sweater plus shirt layered underneath is still my go to uniform for winter, for cold weather. It is such a simple and yet stylish solution.

You can do this several ways, here are my 5 prefered formulae:

1. Neutral colored sweater plus brightly colored shirt, as seen here in this post.

2. Brightly colored sweater plus neutral colored shirt

3. Neutral colored sweater and patterned shirt

4. Patterned or embellished sweater with neutral shirt

5. Patterned or embellished sweater with patterned shirt


Io semplicemente adoro i vestiti in lana di taglia grande, ma dopotutto, chi non li ama? Il cappotto è stato orginariamente acquistato vicino alla fine della mia gravidanza, ma senza la pancia era troppo lungo, così l'ho fatto accorciare (grazie alla zia di mio marito!).

Come potete vedere il blu e il grigio sono i miei colori per questa stagione. Pantaloni attillati e felpa con camicia sotto sono un po' la mia uniforme invernale. È una soluzione semplice ma con stile.

Lo potete fare in vari modi, i miei 5 preferiti sono:

1. Maglione in colore neutro con camicia in un colore forte

2. Maglione in colore forte con camicia in un colore neutro

3. Maglione in un colore neutro con camicia a fantasia

4. Maglione con fantasia o applicazioni con camicia in un colore (neutro o quasi)

5. Maglione con fantasia o applicazioni e camicia con fantasia

Ich liebe oversized Grobstrick, aber wer tut das eigentlich nicht? Diesen Mantel habe ich urspruenglich in den letzten Wochen meiner Schwangerschaft gekauft, aber so ohne Babybauch war er dann viel zu lang, weswegen ich ihn habe kuerzen lassen (vielen Dank noch einmal an eine der Tanten meines Mannes).

Wie Ihr sehen koennt, sind blau und grau immer noch meine Farben der Saison. Und Skinnies plus Pullover bzw Sweatshirt plus Hemd oder Bluse drunter ist immer noch meine Winteruniform. So eine einfache und doch schicke Loesung.

Man kann das ja auf viele Arten machen, meine 5 Lieblingsversionen sind:

1. Neutraler Pulli mit Hemd in Knallfarbe, wie in diesem Artikel

2. Pullover oder Sweatshirt in Knallfarbe mit neutral farbigem Hemd

3. Neutraler Pulli mit gemustertem Hemd

4. Gemusterter oder verziehrter Pulli mit einfarbigem (neutralem) Hemd

5. Gemusterter oder verziehrter Pulli mit gemustertem Hemd

“But winter was necessary. Why else would the world have it? The trees seemed to welcome the season, from the way they changed colors before they dropped their leaves and went to sleep. Winter was a part of a cycle, like day and night, life and death.” 

Outfit Sources

Coat / Cappotto / Mantel - Stefanel (old)
Shirt / Camicia / Bluse - thrifted
Skinnies - Mango
Clutch / Pochette / Tasche - local
Necklace / Collana / Halskette - Tally Weijl

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