The Best Buy Look - Grey Felted Sweater, Black Culottes, Reasons to Dress

This grey boxy felted sweater is so awesome, you just do not want to take it off anymore. And it is delightfully versatile. I consider it one of my best buys in 2014, together with the black culottes.

Upon further thinking, I could add the bag to that category as well. And you have seen these sandals so many times, that I surely won't have problems convincing you that they too, once were a best buy of year (I can't remember). So let's call this the Funky Jungle "Best Buy" look.

I wore this outfit for lunch at my in-laws. Next time you see this wall I want you to remember where it is. So, lunch at the in-laws was my reason to dress.

On a that note: I am co-hosting the #reasonstodress link up today! Angie from Reasons to Dress asked me all sweet like if I wanted to co-host and I was happy to oblige her request. At the end of this post you'll find the rules and the linky button.

What was your best wardrobe buy in 2014?

Questo maglione grigio è così bello che semplicemente non si vuole più toglierlo. Ed è piacevolmente versatile. Lo considero uno dei miei migliori acquisti del 2014, insieme alle culottes nere.

Pensandoci un po', potrei aggiungere la borsa a questa categoria. E avete visto questi sandali così tante volte, che certamente non avrò problemi a convincervi che anche essi, una volta, sono stati miglior acquisto dell'anno (non riesco a ricordare quale). Chiamiamo questo look il Funky Jungle "Miglior Acquisto".

Ho indossato questo outfit per un pranzo dai miei suoceri. La prossima volta che vedrete questo muro, voglio che vi ricordiate dove è. Dunque, il pranzo dai suoceri era l'occasione per vestirsi.

A questo proposito aggiungo una nota: parlando di occasione per vestirsi, oggi sono co-host del #reasonstodress link up! Angie di Reasons to Dress mi ha chiesto gentilmente se volevo fare la co-host e io sono stata contentissima di accettare la sua richiesta. Alla fine di questo post troverete le regole e il link.

Cos'era il vostro miglior acquisto in 2014?

Dieser graue etwas kastige gefilzte Pullover ist so klasse, den will man gar nicht mehr ausziehen. Und er ist so unheimlich vielseitig. Ich betrachte ihn als einen meiner besten Kaeufe in 2014, zusammen mit den schwarzen Culottes.

Wenn ich noch genauer darueber nachdenke, koennten wir die Tasche eigentlich auch noch dazunehmen. Und die Sandalen die habt Ihr mittlerweile so oft gesehen, dass ich wohl keine Probleme habe Euch davon zu ueberzeugen, dass sie auch irgendwann einmal ein "Bester Kauf" des Jahres (weiss ich nicht mehr) waren. So lasst uns das hier dann einfach den "Bester Kauf"- Look nennen.

Ich hatte dieses Outfit zum Mittagessen bei den Schwiegereltern an. Das naechste Mal wenn Ihr die Wand seht, bitte daran erinnern wo es ist. Also, Mittagessen bei den Schwiegereltern war mein Grund mich anzuziehen, mein Reason to Dress.

Stichwort! Ich bin heute Co-Gastgeberin des #reasonstodress link-ups! Angie von Reasons to Dress hat mich ganz lieb gefragt ob ich nicht mal Co-Gastgeberin sein moechte und ich habe Ihr gerne zugesagt. Am Ende dieses Posts findet Ihr die Regeln und den Linky Button.

Was war Euer bester Kleiderkauf in 2014?

Outfit Sources

Sweater / Maglione / Pullover - Mango Outlet
Culottes - Mango
Cross Body Bag / Borsa Tracolla / Schultertasche - Asos
Sandals / Sandali / Pumps - Bagatt
Gilet / Weste - no brand
Bracelet / Braccialetto / Armband - D.I.Y.
Top - no brand

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Reasonstodress linkup rules #fblogger linkup, link pary, linky for mom blogger, linkup for mom style



  1. You do the oversized knits SO well! Looks fab on you, no wonder it's one of your best buys of last year. Thanks for co-hosting! P x

  2. bellissimi i culottes con i calzettoni e i sandali!

  3. ma che meraviglia quei pantaloni. Quanto ti stanno bene. E ancora il colore del maglione ti dona tantissimo.

  4. Bellissimi i tuoi culottes mi piace l'idea del sandalo con il calzino abbinato! Baci

  5. This sweater looks so cozy and comfortable! and I llike the fact that, with the turtle neck, you don't need a scarf!


  6. Kann ich mir vorstellen, dass das ein angenehmes Outfit ist!! In den Dolomiten haben wir übrigens genau so eine Ecke an unserem Haus ;-)))))


  7. Love the culottes! Really makes this look very chic!

  8. alessia milanese21 January 2015 at 14:57

    A me piace molto questo tipo di maglioni, le trovo caldissimi!


  9. Super questo look, mi piaci molto con le culottes!!!!!
    My Facebook

  10. bella la borsa!!!

  11. Questo è il look più bello che ho visto oggi Alex.
    Mi ha conquistato ogni particolare.
    Il maglione è bellissimo.
    Un bacione
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  12. Such a cozy oversize sweater!

  13. Dressed with soul21 January 2015 at 21:14

    Wow, was für ein toller Look für ein Mittagessen bei den Schwiegereltern! Gefällt mir sehr sehr gut und ich kann es bestens verstehen, dass dieser Pulli ein so guter Kauf für Dich war. Auch von den Culottes bin ich hin und weg, genauso wie von den Schuhen <3 Mein bester Kauf 2014? Puh, das ist schwierig ... ich denke, am meisten trage ich mit Begeisterung meine Fake-Leder-Leggings von Only für 35 € :) Eine schöne Woche noch für Dich!

    Alles Liebe von Rena aus Bayern

  14. I love this sweater on you, the oversized collar is perfect with the collotes and the heels look just right in the proportion and look, lovely

    from the link up, '

    please stop by, jess xx

  15. Il grigio-azzurro del maglione è molto bello, assolutamente adatto al colore della tua pelle e dei tuoi capelli :)))


  16. love it. the jumper with the culottes is a great combination!


  17. That looks jumper looks fantastic on you - I don't think I would pull it off as well. I think that my best buy last year has to be a lovely multi print smock top. I wear it all the time and everyone compliments it. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo

  18. Happinessatmidlife26 January 2015 at 04:26

    This sweater is adorable, I love that you are wearing things you love.


  19. Love the outfit! Thank you for joining the Trendy Wednesday Link Up!

    Classy Yet Trendy

  20. I love your shoes. And that sweater is so cute.

  21. Thanks! And thank you also for linking up :)


Thank you for sharing your throughts!