When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love

I've said I'd be on the lookout for a full black midi skirt to add to my wardrobe back when I wrote about "5 More Questions to ask Yourself when Shopping". Well, I've found one. Here it is and I love it.

The material of this midi skirt is a bit thicker, which means that whilst I might not be able to wear it during the hottest months of summer, I can make use of it now in spring and again in fall and winter. The jaquard detailing elevates it beyond being just another simple black pleated skirt.

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

I've got this midi skirt from Romwe. This was my first interaction with them and I was very pleasantly surprised about the speed of the shipping, the item arrived at my door steps within only a few days. I ordered a size M as I always err on the cautious side, aka going one size up, when I order something online. And a good thing that was. Normally I have to have M taken in at the waist, but this one fitted perfectly. Now, as your bootie varies, so may your mileage.

And for the first time this year I wore a skirt without tights. I still kept the socks. For one because it was (still a bit) cool and for one because it is cool.

Ho detto che sarei stata alla ricerca di una gonna nera di media lunghezza da aggiungere al mio guardaroba un po di tempo fa. Bene, ne ho trovata una.

Il materiale è un po' più spesso, il che significa che non sarò in grado di indossarla durante i mesi più caldi dell'estate, anche se c'è molto spazio per far circolare l'aria. D'altra parte potrò farne uso ancora in autunno e in inverno. I dettagli jaquard la portano ad essere un qualcosa di più di una semplice gonna nera.

Ho trovato questa gonna nera da Romwe. E' stata la prima volta che ho avuto a che fare con loro e sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa dalla velocità della spedizione, in quanto il pacco mi è arrivato in pochi giorni. Ho ordinato una taglia M, visto che resto sempre cauta e prendo una taglia in più del solito quando ordino online. Ed è stata una buona idea. Normalmente devo stringere in vita le taglie M, ma questa mi sta perfettamente.

Per la prima volta ho indossato una gonna senza collant, ma ho comunque indossato le calze. Anche perché faceva ancora un po' freschino.

Ich hatte seit einiger Zeit nach einem schwarzen Midirock gesucht und nun endlich einen gefunden, der meinen Wuenschen (mit Strukturmuster, voll usw.) entsprach.

Das Material ist etwas fester, was heisst, dass ich ihn wahrscheinlich im Hochsommer nicht anziehen kann, obwohl Belueftung ja kein Problem ist. Allerdings wird er sich gut sowohl Herbst als auch im Winter einsetzen lassen. Und das Jaquardmuster hebt ihn etwas von einem einfachen schwarzen Rock ab.

Den Rock habe ich von Romwe. Ist das erste Mal, dass ich mit denen zu tun hatte und ich war positiv ueberrascht wie schnell das mit dem Versand ging. In wenigen Tagen nur war das Paket bei mir angekommen. Ich habe den Rock in M bestellt, da ich bei Online Einkaeufen vorsichtshalber immer eine Nummer groesser nehme (bin normalerweise irgendwo zwischen S und M). Und das war auch gut so. Normalerweise muss ich M immer in der Taille verkleinern lassen, aber der hier passt perfekt.

Ausserdem konnte ich an dem Tag zum ersten Mal die Strumpfhosen weglassen. Die Socken habe ich anbehalten, weil es doch noch etwas kuehl war. Und Socken in Pumps ist zur Zeit ja auch total kuehl ... ehr cool.

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Black Bag, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Black Midi Skirt, Black Top, Silver Heels & Leopard Socks || When Black Meets Silver - Spring Midi Skirt Love | Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Previously seen on Funky Jungle

The Bag - The Shoes - The Socks

Outfit Sources:

Skirt / Gonna / Rock - c/o Romwe (exact)
Top / Maglietta / Oberteil - My Closet (20 years old)
Bag / Borsa / Tasche - local (Made in Italy)
Socks / Calze / Struempfe - Calzedonia
Shoes / Scarpe / Schuhe - Deichmann (old)

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