The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix

I hope you've all had a wonderful Holiday Sunday. Today I am sharing another complete remix with you. Even tho you've never seen this paperboy cap on the blog, I own it since about five years and I absolutely adore it.

Now the shoes I am wearing in this look are actually so called "party shoes", that is to say that they are meant for dressing up, for attending parties in the usual party outfits. And here I am using them as every day shoes to add some glam to an otherwise very boyish outfit. I don't think I've used them as party shoes a single time yet, but I use them plenty with these boyfriend jeans.

My beloved paperboy cap, my favourite boyfriend jeans, a thrifted jumper/sweater and glittery gold party sandals | The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix || Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Do you have a piece in your wardrobe that you are not using "as intended"?

And remember that the giveaway to win a pair of Ralph Lauren Sunglasses is still open until the 13th.

Spero che abbiate trascorso una bella domenica di festa. Oggi vi presento un altro outfit completamente remixed. Anche se voi non avete mai visto il capellino sul blog, ce l'ho da circa 5 anni e lo adoro tantissimo.

Queste scarpe sono in realtà cosdidette "scarpe da festa", cioè scarpe da indossare con un outfit adatto ad una festa. Poi arrivo io che le metto in un giorno qualsiasi per aggiungere un tocco glam ad un outfit piuttosto da ragazzo. Non credo di averle mai messe per andare a un party, ma spesso insieme a questi jeans boyfriend.

Avete un pezzo nella vostra guarderoba che non usate "come previsto"?

E ricordatevi che il contesto per vincere un paio di occhiali da sole Ralph Lauren è aperto fin al 13 Aprile.

Ich hoffe Ihr habt alle einen tollen Feiertag gehabt. Heute zeige ich Euch ein weiteres Outfit, das komplett aus sogenannten Kleiderschrank Einkaeufen besteht. Die Kappe hattet Ihr zwar bisher noch nicht auf dem Blog gesehen, die habe ich aber schon seit 5 Jahren.

Die Schuhe sind ja sogenannte Party Schuhe, dass heisst Schuhe, die dafuer vorgesehen sind, sie auf Parties mit Party Outfit zu tragen. Und da komme ich dann und ziehe sie an einem hundsgewoehnlichen Tag an, um einem ansonsten eher burschikosen Outfit einen Hauch von Glam zu verleihen. Glaube nicht, dass ich diese Schuhe schon mal wirklich auf einer Party anhatte, dafuer aber sehr oft mit diesen Boyfriend Jeans.

Habt Ihr auch ein Teil in Eurer Garderobe, dass Ihr nicht so benutzt wie vorgesehen?

Und vergesst nicht, das Gewinnspiel fuer eine Ralph Lauren Sonnenbrille laeuft nocht bis zum 13ten April.

My beloved paperboy cap, my favourite boyfriend jeans, a thrifted jumper/sweater and glittery gold party sandals | The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix || Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

My beloved paperboy cap, my favourite boyfriend jeans, a thrifted jumper/sweater and glittery gold party sandals | The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix || Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

My beloved paperboy cap, my favourite boyfriend jeans, a thrifted jumper/sweater and glittery gold party sandals | The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix || Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

My beloved paperboy cap, my favourite boyfriend jeans, a thrifted jumper/sweater and glittery gold party sandals | The Cap, Boyfriend Jeans and Party Shoes - A Funky Jungle Remix || Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Last seen on Funky Jungle / Visto l'ultima volta / Das letzte Mal gesehen:

Outfit Sources:

Sweater / Maglione / Pullover - thrifted
Jeans - H&M (way old)
Shoes / Scarpe / Schuhe - Buffalo London
Socks / Calze / Struempfe - Topshop
Cap / Cappellino / Muetze - No Idea (way old)
Purse / Borsa / Tasche - thrifted

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