Summer Solstice - Tie Dye Maxi & Gladiator Sandals
The day of the Summer Solstice, when day and night time are of equal length and the Sun ingresses into Cancer, I just spent doing pretty much nothing but enjoying the day at a slow pace. Gosh I was so tired from the day before when I did my black belt exame.
I put on my new fancy tie dye maxi dress I found at Shopbop Sales. Let me tell you, it's beautiful, lovely to wear and it was marked down 70%. Definitely worth taking a look. Dang, I said that recently already ... But you agree that the dress is beautiful, yes?
So I wore this maxi dress and my gladiator (or slave or whatever) sandals for lounging on the terrace, sunbathing, water pistol duels and grabbing an ice cream in town. It was perfect for each of these, and would have worked just as well going for a pizza in the evening. Going to say it again, a good maxi dress is worth having in your wardrobe.
So I wore this maxi dress and my gladiator (or slave or whatever) sandals for lounging on the terrace, sunbathing, water pistol duels and grabbing an ice cream in town. It was perfect for each of these, and would have worked just as well going for a pizza in the evening. Going to say it again, a good maxi dress is worth having in your wardrobe.
Il giorno del solstizio d'estate, quando giorno e notte sono equamente lunghi e il sole si sposta nel segno del cancro, non ho fatto praticamente nulla a parte godermi la giornata, in pace. Ero stanchissima sin dal giorno precedente, durante il quale avevo fatto il mio esame per la cintura nera.
Indossavo il mio nuovo vestito maxi effetto tie dye (cioè tinta a nodi) che ho trovato nei saldi su Shopbop. Lasciatemi dire che è bellissimo, piacevole da portare ed era scontato del 70%. Sicuramente vale la pena dare una occhiate a questi saldi, ma anche all'intero sito. Accidenti, questo l'ho già detto recentemente... ma siete d'accordo che il vestito è bellissimo, si?
Quindi indossavo questo vestito lungo e i miei sandali da gladiatore (o da schiava o qualcosa del genere) per stare in terrazza a prendere il sole, fare duelli con le pistole ad acqua e prendere un gelato in paese. Il vestito era perfetto per tutti queste attività, e sarebbe stato anche perfetto per andare a mangiare una pizza in serata. Ripeto, un buon maxi dress non può mancare nel guardaroba.
Am Tag der Sommersonnenwende, wenn Tag und Nacht gleich lang sind und die Sonne ins Sternbild Krebs wechselt, habe ich ... gar nix gemacht. Oder besser gesagt, den Tag ganz langsam und gemuetlich angehen lassen. Ich war immer noch hundemuede von meiner Schwarzguertelpruefung am Tag vorher.
Habe mein neues schniekes Batikmaxikleid, welches ich bei Shopbop im Ausverkauf gefunden habe, angezogen. Lasst Euch sagen, das dieses Kleid einfach super ist. Huebsch und angenehm zu tragen und es war 70% runter gesetzt. Finde da kann man ruhig mal stoebern. Oops, das habe ich vor Kurzem bereits gesagt. Aber Ihr stimmt mir doch zu, das das Kleid Klasse ist, oder?
Also dieses Kleid trug ich um auf der Terrasse sonnenbadend abzuhaengen - loungen wie das auf Neudeutsch (oder eben Englisch) heisst - und fuer Wasserpistolenduelle und anschliessend zum Eisessen. War perfekt fuer alle diese Aktivitaeten. Haette aber auch sehr gut eine Pizza essen gehen koennen in dem Outfit. Ich wiederhole mich hier gerne, ein Maxikleid ist eine gute Investition.
Outfit Sources
Tie Dye Maxi Dress / Batik Maxikleid - Love Sam via Shopbop --- Shop Maxi Dresses here
Gladiator Sandals / - Maledetti Toscani (Made in Italy)
Bag / Borsa / Tasche - local (Made in Italy)
Necklace / Collana / Halskette - Fair / Mercatino / Markt
Bracelets / Braccialetti / Armbaender - Fair / Mercatino / Markt
Rings / Anelli / Ringe - Born Pretty Store (use code BAUT10 for 10% off)
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*This post contains sponsored links, but all opinions and choices are 100% Funky Jungle*