Back at the Wall - Ralph Lauren Sunglasses Giveaway

I found myself back at the kitty graffity wall for more outfit shooting fun. It was one of the first really warm days here, where we actually had to take off the heavy coats.

I still layered the heck out of it. Wore my grey blazer over a military style button down shirt (I did mention I have lots of those, right?) over a t-shirt dress. The whole mess was then accompanied by two scarfs. As we say, one is none and two is better than one, savvy? "One is none" is very handy when you want to eat something you shouldn't ... but hey, one is none so you aren't actually eating or drinking or buying anything. Just kiddin, don't use this at home.

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

I also have some good news for you, a little Easter Gift so to say. Sunglasses Shop is giving away a pair of Ralph Lauren sunglasses to one of my readers! At the end of this post you'll find all the info you need and the Rafflecopter.

Ho deciso di tornare al muro con i graffiti del gatto per divertirmi a fare qualche altra fotografia. Era uno dei primi giorni di caldo da queste parti e abbiamo dovuto togliere le giacche pesanti.

Mi sono comunque vestita a strati. Ho indossato il mio blazer grigio sopra a una camicia button down di stile militare (ho già menzionato che ne ho molte, vero?) e questa sopra ad un vestito t-shirt. L'intero pasticcio era accompagnato da due sciarpe. Come siamo soliti dire, uno è niente e due è meglio di uno, giusto? "Uno è niente" è un'espressione molto comoda quando volete mangiare qualcosa che non dovreste mangiare, ma d'altra parte.... uno è niente, per cui non state mangiando, bevendo o comprando nulla!

Ho anche una buona notizia per voi, un piccolo regalo di Pasqua per così dire. Sunglasses Shop vuole regalare un paio di occhiali di Ralph Lauren a una/o delle mie lettrici / lettori! Alla fine del post troverete le informazioni di cui avete bisogno per partecipare e il Rafflecopter.

Ich fand mich wieder vor der Mauer mit dem Katzengraffiti, fuer mehr Outfit Shooting Spass. Es war einer der ersten richtig warmen Tage dieses Jahr, wo wir sogar unsere Jacken ausziehen mussten.

Ich habe trotzdem lustig gezwiebelt. Trug meinen grauen Blazer ueber einem militaerstil Hemd (ich hatte ja erwaehnt, dass ich ganz viele davon habe, richtig?) ueber einem T-Shirt Kleid. Begleitet wurde das ganze von zwei Schals, weil wir ja wissen, einer ist keiner und zwei sind besser als einer. "Eines ist keines" ist auch immer sehr nuetzlich wenn man mal wieder etwas essen moechte, das man eventuell nicht sollte ... aber da eines ja keines ist, essen (oder drinken, oder kaufen) wir eigentlicht nichts.

Und dann habe ich noch eine tolle Neuigkeit fuer Euch, ein kleines Ostergeschenk sozusagen. Sunglasses Shop verlost an eine meiner Leserinnen/einen meiner Leser eine Ralph Lauren Sonnenbrille. Am Ende dieses Artikels findet Ihr die Regeln und den Rafflecopter.

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Stylish layers galore with a grey blazer, green military style shirt, a t-shirt dress, grey skinnies and a scarf double | Back at the Wall - Funky Jungle, fashion and personal style blog

Previously on Funky Jungle - Visto già prima - Kennt Ihr bereits:

Ralph Lauren SunglassesT-shirt Dress - Grey Skinny Jeans - Military Style Shirt - Grey Blazer - Wedge Boots

Outfit Sources:

Blazer - H&M (I can't remember how old)
Shirt / Camicia / Hemd - Vero Moda via TK Maxx (old)
Grey Skinny Jeans - Mango (old)
Boots / Scarpe / Schuhe - Buffalo London
Olive Green Net Scarf / Sciarpa a Rete / Netzschal - Diesel via TK Maxx
Leopard Scarf / Sciarpa Animalier / Leopardenschal - H&M (old)
Sunglasses / Occhiali da Sole / Sonnenbrille - Ralph Lauren c/o Sunglasses Shop (IT)
Bag / Borsa / Tasche - Boohoo (old)

That Funky, so hot in old clothes.

Okay Dears, Sunglasses Shop (IT) is giving away one pair of Ralph Lauren Sunglasses to one of my readers. The giveaway is open to residents of the European Union and United States. To enter you will have to do the little tasks listed in the Rafflecopter. Some are mandatory (following Sunglasses Shop on Instagram, Youtube, leaving a comment), others are optional.

The giveaway will be open for 14 days.

Good Luck!

Okay Carissime/i, Sunglasses Shop (IT) vuole regalare un paio di occhiali da sole Ralph Lauren a una/o delle mie lettrici / lettori! Il giveaway è aperto a tutti i residenti dell'Unione Europea e degli Stati Uniti d'America. Per partecipare dovrete svolgere i piccoli compiti indicati nel Rafflecopter. Alcuni sono obbligatori (come per esempio seguire Sunglasses Shop su Twitter, Instagram e Youtube e lasciare un commento col modello), altri opzionali.

Il giveaway resterà aperto per 14 giorni.

Buona fortuna!

Okay meine Lieben, Sunglasses Shop (IT) verlost an eine meiner Leserinnen/einen meiner Leser eine Ralph Lauren Sonnenbrille. Die Verlosung ist offen fuer Einwohner der E.U. oder der U.S.A. Um teilzunehmen muesst Ihr die Aufgaben im Rafflecopter erfuellen. Einige davon (das Folgen von Sunglasses Shop auf Twitter, Instagram, Youtube und das Kommentar mit Modell) sind erforderlich, das andere gibt Bonuseintraege.

Die Verlosung laeuft 14 Tage.

Viel Glueck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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