Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day

Here is what I wore on Mother's Day for lunch at my in-laws. Not many (or very good) pictures as I was suffering from a medium allergy attack that day. If you look closely you can maybe see that the eyes are smaller and more tired looking than usual, although I trashed the worst pictures. Of course. I'm all for authenticity but one doesn't have to exaggerate.

Military green shirt dress, shark clutch, striped hoop earrings and roses || Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day - Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

It's been over a year that you last saw this knit shirt dress on the blog. For me, it's ideal for early to mid spring, when it's warm here in Norther Italy, but the humidity hasn't fully kicked in yet. Although it is knit, it is very light and has those cropped sleeves. Combined it with my funky shark clutch from Max&Co. I've found this to be a viable cute sealife option.

Qui vi mostro ciò che ho indossato per la festa della Mamma, a pranzo dai miei suoceri. Non ci sono molte fotografie, poiché ho sofferto un po' a causa delle allergie di stagione. Se mi guardate con attenzione, potete vedere che i miei occhi erano più piccoli e sembravano più stanchi del solito, sebbene abbia eliminato le fotografie peggiori. Naturalmente io sono a favore dell'autenticità, ma non bisogna esagerare.

È passato oltre un anno da quando avete visto questo vestito tipo chemisier sul blog. Per me è l'ideale all'inizio della primavera, quando fa caldo qui nel nord Italia, ma l'umidità non è ancora a livelli alti. Sebbene sia di maglia, è molto leggero e ha le maniche corte. In combinazione con la mia borsetta da squalo eccentrico di Max&Co.

Heute zeige ich Euch schnell was ich letzten Sonntag zum Muttertags Mittagessen bei meinen Schwiegereltern trug. Die meissten der Bilder sind nix geworden, da ich an dem Tag mit einer mittelschweren Allergieattacke zu kaempfen hatte. Wenn Ihr genau hinschaut koennt Ihr eventuell erkennen, dass die Augen kleiner und mueder als sonst sind und unter der Nase etwas roeter vom vielen Schneuzen. Klar, die schlimmsten Bilder habe ich in die Tonne geklickt. Bin ja fuer Authentizitaet, aber man muss es ja nicht uebertreiben.

Es ist ein Jahr vergangen seit Ihr dieses Hemdkleid das letzte Mal auf dem Blog gesehen habt. Ist fuer mich ein super Kleidungsstueck fuer Anfang bis Mitte Fruehling, wenn es hier im Norden Italiens (der Lombardei um genau zu sein) schon warm ist, sich die Luftfeuchtigkeit aber noch in Grenzen haelt. Auch wenn es Strick ist, ist das Kleid nicht aus Wolle und es hat kurze Aermel. Dazu durfte dann meine blaue Haifisch Clutch von Max&Co mit.

Smelling the roses in a knit shirt dress, plus a shark clutch || Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day - Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

Military green shirt dress, shark clutch || Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day - Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

Military green shirt dress, shark clutch || Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day - Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

Military green shirt dress, shark clutch || Sharks, Khaki Knit & Allergies on Mother's Day - Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

Smiling for you in black&white - belted shirt dress, shark clutch, black sunnies || Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

Arrow bangle, Marc Jacobs Logo Bangle, Shark Print Clutch || Funky Jungle, fashion & personal style blog

P.S. I'm really in love with the bangle, I've been wearing it pretty much every day since I got it in the mail. Love the cream & gold mix and how easy it adapts to different styles.

Outfit Sources:

Dress / Abito / Kleid - Mango Outlet (old) *similar camel colored option*
Mary Jane Pumps / Scarpe / Schuhe - Deichmann (old) *similar*
Shark Clutch / Pochette - Max&Co -- sealife *option in blue*, *option in green* & *option in red*
Logo Bangle / Logo Armreif - Marc Jacobs (duh) via c/o Shopbop
Twisted Chain Bracelet / Braccialetto Catene / Kettenarmband - D.I.Y / fai da te / selbstgemacht

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